Early Childhood Screening

The Viborg-Hurley School District along with the Southeast Area Cooperative will be providing developmental screenings to children ages 3 and 4 not attending Viborg-Hurley Pre-Kindergarten who reside in the Viborg-Hurley School District. Screening will take place during the first 2-4 weeks of school as time allows.  The screening consists of a variety of tasks designed to assess gross/fine motor, early cognitive skills, social/emotional/self-help, and speech/language development. Based on the results, the early childhood team will determine if your student is developing skills appropriate for their age, or if additional evaluations are warranted.  You will be informed of the results of the screening, and if further assessment is recommended what the next steps would be. 

If you want your child to participate in the screenings, please call Johnitta Van Hull at (605) 766-5418 or e-mail her at johnitta.vanhull@k12.sd.us.