End of Year Housekeeping

As another school year comes to a close, there are a few housekeeping items we would like to address:

  • Library Books: Checking out of library books has ended for the school year.  If you have some at home yet, please get them returned asap.  Feel free to call Mr. Dunham if there are any questions.
  • Lunch $$: The last day to get 2nds will be  Wednesday, May 19th.  Lunch notices will be sent out at that time and need to be paid to a $0 balance before your child's last day of school.  If there is a negative lunch balance, elementary and middle school students will not be able to participate in the year end "fun day".  High school students will not be excused until the account is at a $0 balance.  Any money left over on the account will carry over to next school year.
  • Contact Info: If your address or phone numbers change, please remember to call the school and get your contact information updated so we have the correct information on file for the back to school mailing in the fall.
  • Lost and Found Items: Lost and found items have been set out at both schools.  If your child is missing items, please have them check the lost and found tables.  Any items that have not been claimed by May 31st will be donated to Goodwill/Salvation Army.
  • Medications: Any medication you provided the school must be picked up by an adult. Any medication that is not picked up by May 28th will be destroyed. 
  • Extracurricular Activities: Make sure all uniforms and any other equipment has been turned in and if there is any money owed, this gets taken care of.
  • Locker Rooms: All items belonging to your child in the locker room need to be taken home.  Any items left in the locker rooms after May 31st will be considered "lost" and donated to Goodwill/Salvation Army.